Natural News Archive

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Photo of a pregnant woman doing yoga

Yoga during pregnancy reduces anxiety and depression

A new UK study has shown that regular yoga sessions during pregnancy can help make mothers and their babies happier and healthier

13 May, 2014
Photo of a woman's pregnant belly and bowl of fruit salad

Healthy eating could reduce the risk of preterm birth

What you eat matters; new evidence suggests a link between a mother’s diet and the risk of pre-term birth

11 March, 2014
Close up photo of brazil nuts

Selenium supplements lower the risk of postnatal depression

Adequate selenium during pregnancy can stabilise moods and help ward off depression in new mums

3 April, 2013
Photo of a pregnant belly

Doctors fail to warn pregnant mums about environmental risks

A new survey shows doctors are failing future generations by ignoring the issue of chemicals that could harm babies in the womb

12 December, 2012
Photo of a mother kissing her baby

Healthy fats in pregnancy protect against childhood allergies

Increasing your intake of healthy fats during pregnancy can help protect your child from atopic disorders like asthma and eczema

24 October, 2012
Photo of a baby boy sleeping with father in the background

Non-organic dairy products linked to birth defect

Choosing organic, especially organic dairy products, could help lower the incidence of hypospadias in boys

16 October, 2012
Photo of a baby

Multivitamin use before conception reduces the risk of preterm birth

A large study from Denmark has shown that women who regularly take multivitamins before pregnancy have healthier babies

29 February, 2012
Photo of a cup of espresso

How much caffeine in a cup? It depends…

Pregnant women beware – the amount of caffeine in a shot of espresso can vary enormously making it hard to manage your intake

5 December, 2011
Photo of a baby

Delayed cord clamping prevents infant iron deficiency

Scientists say clamping the umbilical cord too early can lead to iron deficiency in newborns

22 November, 2011
Photo of cut up oranges

Vitamin C helps prevent neural tube defects

Taking certain drugs before and early after conception can raise the risk of NTDs; but vitamin C can help reduce the risk, say scientists

15 November, 2011