Natural News Archive

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Can mums trust what is in infant formula?

A new international investigation has revealed a shocking lack of science behind the infant formula ranges sold by baby milk companies.

1 November, 2017

Unique ‘sugars’ in breastmilk help babies fight disease

Human breastmilk contains unique sugars which, scientists have discovered, have potent antimicrobial properties against bacteria that can harm infants.

25 August, 2017

Essential oils a more effective way to treat head lice

For kids with a head lice infestation an essential oil formula containing eucalyptus and lemon-scented tea tree proved to be nearly twice as effective as a toxic insecticide.

26 May, 2017

Women in labour need to eat!

Women in labour are using the same energy it takes to run a marathon, but are routinely, and as it turns out wrongly, denied food.

30 October, 2015
Photo of a pregnant belly

Doctors fail to warn pregnant mums about environmental risks

A new survey shows doctors are failing future generations by ignoring the issue of chemicals that could harm babies in the womb

12 December, 2012
Photo of a baby

Delayed cord clamping prevents infant iron deficiency

Scientists say clamping the umbilical cord too early can lead to iron deficiency in newborns

22 November, 2011
Photo of a father and his young children

Study shows fathers are hormonally hardwired
to care for kids

Men experience a drop in testosterone levels after the birth of their children that helps them be more nurturing to their offspring

7 October, 2011
Photo of a plate of fresh vegetables

Diet alone may be the key to reducing birth defects

Evidence from a large US study suggests that diet, over supplements, may be more influential in reducing birth defects

7 October, 2011