Have your say about the safety of herbal products

27 March, 2012

Everyone who believes in the safety of herbal medicines please take note – consumers especially!

In November of last year our colleague Robert Verkerk of the Alliance for Natural Health Europe (ANH) wrote about the ongoing threat to our right to by and use natural herbal products.

European legislators have been busy passing laws that mean we will soon lose our access to safe, natural, traditional medical herbal products.

Included amongst these are the Food Supplements Directive, that regulates food supplement labelling, as well as vitamin and mineral forms and, imminently, their dosages; the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive, that provides a simplified drug registration system for particular types of herbal product intended for direct use by the consumer; and the Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation, which will soon control everything that can be written, said or communicated in any other fashion, about foods and food ingredients.

We all now have an opportunity to contribute to a public consultation on one of these: the Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products Directive (THMPD). Your comments could result in significant changes, or even to the THMPD being scrapped so please take a moment to participate.

To make it easy for you to have your say about the THMPD, the Alliance For Natural Health has compiled a 3-page questionnaire – available here.

This is your chance to make your voice heard and your feelings known! We urge you to fill in  the questionnaire and return it, and pass the link to it on to anyone you know who might want to contribute.


  •  See campaigner Ron Law’s chart of the relative risk of dying from a range of causes in the USA. Note how low risk herbal products are.
  • See also the chart, Causes of Death in the UK, based on 2011 data from the Office of National Statistics. Note that medical error is the fourth largest cause of death in the UK.
  • For a run down of how many patients worldwide die from medical errors in hospitals see this table from the Iatrogenic Europe Unite website.